August 18, 2017, Comment off
You may find in life that when you are keeping a point there are tons of people to contradict that thing. Getting angry at this point of time is not the solution. Well talking about contradicting things there are the various thing that people don’t understand, fighting with them only gives you satisfaction for a certain period of time. Letting your anger define your personality is going to make you a likable person.
Some people keep the hatred inside them and let it grow. After growing to an immense level that thing either takes you to depression or helps you takes an unacceptable step. Talking about anger, frustration is where it leads you next. Frustration causes many problems, the major one is an irritation. It makes you a person no one wants to talk to. A person ones said to me, “Do not let your anger lead to hatred, as you will hurt yourself more than you would hurt others.”
From where does the anger evolve? Well if you ask me I would just say that it comes from a person’s “EGO”. Ego is the key point which helps a person to contradict. If a concerned person dislikes you it is 100% sure they will contradict on anything you say. Here not responding them in and an angry way can keep you away from fights. How would you feel getting stuck in a roller coaster and find no one to help you? It’s the same situation, angry people or some of us call them “short fuse” to never have anyone to rescue them from their trouble.
The best possible way is to release it on the spot. Well not on people, but on materialistic things.. Don’t get me wrong, I am not telling you to throw your furniture off… There are specialized cafes for your anger management. Cafes that help you out of your misery.
One such café is “Café Bhadaas”. The one I went to. Fairly speaking the way they have placed their concept helped me a lot to get through my anger.
If I tell you about my past it would just be another angry man’s story. But I would just talk about the solution. As soon as I entered the café, it had just another feeling. Portraying different ways to control your anger, their café was not just like any other café in town. It has a library, a gyming section, a village section, an army section, music section. Not only that, they even have a section where u can come and crush the materialistic things, just to calm your anger down.
One of Its kind café Bhadaas offers many such things from crushing the thing to reading a book to consulting a doctor, everything under one roof.